Art Initiatives Promoting Inclusivity

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Women’s Center for Creative Work (WCCW) WCCW is a Los Angeles-based organisation that supports women and non-binary artists through various programmes, including artist residencies, skill-sharing workshops, and collaborative projects.

Queer|Art Queer|Art is committed to nurturing and empowering LGBTQ+ artists through mentorship programmes, fellowships, and exhibitions that showcase the varied perspectives within the queer community.

National Association of Latino Arts and Cultures (NALAC) NALAC supports Latinx artists and cultural workers by providing grants for professional development opportunities and advocating for equitable representation in the arts.

Disability Arts Online This online platform is dedicated to promoting the work of disabled artists. It features articles, reviews, and profiles that highlight the contributions of artists with disabilities.

Asia Art Archive AAA is a non-profit organisation that documents and promotes contemporary art history in Asia. It works towards inclusivity by archiving and showcasing diverse voices from the Asian art scene.

ProjectArt ProjectArt is committed to providing free arts education in public libraries across the United States, focusing on underserved youth. It supports artists by offering teaching opportunities and fostering community engagement.

These initiatives play a crucial role in creating a more inclusive and equitable art world, breaking down barriers and providing platforms for artists who have historically faced marginalisation.